Platelet rich plasma injections uses the patient’s own platelets to rejuvenate the entire face. It induces neocollagenesis, induction of endogenous hyluronic acid and regeneration of the epidermis.

Platelet rich plasma injection is a bio-rejuvenation technique to improve skin quality, tone and volume.

What is PRP?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a widely is an effective and long lasting treatment which utilises your own blood components (platelets) to stimulate cell growth and tissue repair, thereby improving your skin quality and appearance.

Although blood is mainly a liquid (called plasma), it also contains small solid components (red cells, white cells, and platelets.) The platelets are best known for their importance in clotting blood. However, platelets also contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important in the healing of injuries.

While PRP therapy improves the overall condition of your skin, it is especially recommended to treat the following conditions:

– Dark circles under the eyes

– Crow’s feet at the corners of the eyes

– Sun damage

– Acne scars

– Stretch marks

– Wrinkles and fine lines

– Thin, sagging skin on the neck and chest or around the eyes

– Rough, dull, ashy, or uneven skin texture

How does PRP Therapy work?

PRP therapy is performed in several steps. First, a blood sample will be drawn from your arm. This blood sample is then placed in a centrifuge that causes it to spin at a very high speed, causing the plasma to separate from the blood. The plasma is then isolated and “activated” by adding calcium chloride to it, causing it to release its growth factors. Once the activated plasma is injected into your face, your body will begin to increase its production of collagen and various healing processes will begin to occur naturally as the growth factors in your plasma gradually triggers your skin to rejuvenate. In essence, PRP treatment tricks your body into responding as though an injury has taken place and it must now produce healthy new tissue to heal itself, so it will produce fresh collagen as well as new cells and blood vessels. Over the next few weeks or months, you will see a gradual improvement prompted by your body’s natural healing mechanism.

Who is a good candidate for a PRP Treatment?

While PRP therapy is autologous, meaning that it is derived from your own body and unlikely to produce allergic reaction, PRP treatment is not recommended for individuals with certain medical conditions that affect the blood, such as bone cancers, blood cancers, or anemia. Medications such as prescription blood thinners or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may impact on your eligibility to have this type of treatment.

What can I expect after PRP Therapy?

Initially, you may experience tenderness and redness in the skin that may last for a few days and may look and feel similar to mild sunburn. Some patients may also experience minor bruising. The redness will begin to diminish on the second day, and some patients may experience minor swelling and roughness of the skin on the day after their procedure. Most of the swelling should subside by the third day, but the roughness may last up to seven days. There is no prescribed recovery period after PRP therapy, and most patients resume normal activities immediately after treatment.

How long do results of PRP Therapy last?

Most people will see some improvement within a few days after treatment, but the greatest difference will become noticeable after two or three months, at which time you will see vibrant new skin that feels and looks firmer and more radiant. Depending on how well you care for your skin, as well as your lifestyle and age, the results may last a number of years but we recommend yeary treatments for the best results.